Ross: age 27 writer with no money waiting for big break

September 21, 2008

Recently rediscovered in a box of stuff in my closet.

Blue highlighter on notebook paper, drawn by Jordan Scott Herdrich in 10th grade biology.

Pfffft. Joke is on Jordan…for I am 35, have no money, and am still waiting for my big break. Does anyone know of a job for someone who specializes in scanning sandwiches?

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  • Jocelyn says:

    Wow, that is an AMAZING level of cynicism for a 5th grader! It’s, uh, actually kind of impressive. Also, doesn’t having a blog = being a writer? Kinda?

  • This is Annie says:

    I love the find and I love his time stamp on the day. 5 pm. Sigh, end of day.

  • Pseudoreid says:

    WOW!!!! Sadly, my box of memorabilia from High School is filled with rejection letters from girls, still carrying faint smells of overly fruity perfume. Consider this art work a beautiful interpretation of yourself.